Monday, January 19, 2009

Today is MLK day and the girls have the day off so I took it off so Tori can stay home and sleep in and get some reading done. She is rereading Twilight. I have finished my challenges for the day and got caught up on my layouts for project 365. The First Lego League state competition in which Tori's team got an invitation to last month at the local qualification tournment. we went on Friday to stay the night and the Girls had a chance to swim. Gracie was not feeling well so she missed some of the judging but even with that they did a great job and took 2nd place in teamwork.. I am so proud of all of them but especially proud of Tori because she has really made leaps in her leadership durning this whole experience. Her team has even made it known that they feel the same way. I am looking forward to a little slower pace this week

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